We aim to provide the highest quality of service to all Candidates and Clients, and if ever we don’t, we want you to tell us. We will listen to both positive and critical comments and use them to improve our services. A complaint is any written or spoken expression of dissatisfaction with the service we provide, and we take all complaints seriously.
Our aims are to:
- Deal with complaints openly, promptly and honestly
- Try to resolve complaints amicably as soon as possible
- Learn from complaints to improve our services
Dealing with your complaint:
All our staff will be courteous and helpful in dealing with your complaint. If you wish to make a formal complaint, please contact our Service Manager, Ashley Dutton, using the following details:
Avon Search and Selection Ltd
3rd Floor
27 Waterloo Place
Leamington Spa
CV32 5LA
Telephone: 01926 676369
If you make your complaint over the telephone, we will try to reach a resolution on the spot. Similarly, if you complain in writing we will respond promptly, usually within 5 working days of receipt of your letter. If you are not happy with the initial response you receive, you can ask for your complaint to be referred to the Managing Director, who will review and try to resolve the issue within 48 hours.
Escalating your complaint:
Following Avon Search and Selection’s response to your complaint, if you are still not satisfied, you can contact the Employment Agencies Standards Office at the Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform:
The Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform
Enquiry Unit LG94
1 Victoria Street
If at any time we have to change any of the time scales above we will let you know and explain the reasons why.
This policy will be regularly reviewed and any changes will be published on this page.